
Intel 2022 Analyst day

Photo by Luan Gjokaj on Unsplash

  • Datacenter and AI Group, Sandra Rivera
  • Intel 3rd Gen Xeon (Ice Lake); 1Mn+ shipped In 4Q21.
  • Next Gen Xeon (Sapphire Rapids), Intel7 P-core, 2X performance vs NVDA A100 GPU.
  • Intel 3 2024 Granite Rapids/ Sierra Forest P-core E-core, 感覺又是要底累的前哨戰
  • Datacenter, mid-high single digit 2021-2023/ mid-teens 2023-2026.
  • DCAI TAM$30B->$65B
  • 上面表示沒有台積的東西

  • Alchemist出貨2022要達4M
  • 2H22要有一個Sapphire Rapids HBM, 搞不清楚為何又算在這部門, 以為都是GPU.
  • 成長率最快的一個部門

  • Intel 16(exitsting IFS)的rev長大緩慢, leading edge示意圖顯示謎之成長率.
  • IFS新製程可提供服務的時間, 投影片上看來是跟自家新產品用的製程時程相同, 但預期到時會因良率不佳導致產能分配出狀況, 類似情形三星時常上演.
  • Tower 0.5um-45nm, rev大概是聯電的1/4, 台積的1/40.
  • Mobile eye反而沒給成長數字

  • 第一張左圖奇怪的說詞for both IDM and IFS, 類似ubereats幽靈廚房多做一個生意的概念嗎? 2025開始IFS專用的產能.
  • 中圖為何一直強調offset
  • 右圖台積也是最近提高capital intensity
  • Shell space可以折舊20
  • Smart Capital: 先建殼, 再依需求增加設備. modularly add capacity to the infrastructure; flexibly expanded with demand.
  • Offest就是可以拿錢的, 一直強調資本支出不會花那麼多
  • 第三張圖顯示2022-2026外包產能量會固定, 沒有增加
  • 第四張圖中間, 2026產能+50% vs 2021

  • FCF的討論

  • FCF現在沒有到20%依然是付的, OPEX grow at lower rate, working capital討論的是庫存管理
  •  Investment grade似乎真的重要
  • 真的是說EPS Accretive

  • FCF 20% of revenue, 說是ROIC很高, 業內優秀比例.

  • CCG主流產品, N3預計TSMC
  • 所謂hybriddis-aggregated差別在哪

  • IFS客戶有Cisco

  • AXG
    • TSMC N7/ N6/ N5…
    • Intel ARC Alchemist, 1Q NB, 2Q DT, 3Q workstation. 4M units 2022
    • Sapphire Rapid HBM, 4X band width, sampling today, production 2H22

  • EUV Intel 4開始做
  • Intel 7 now in production, first product shipping in volume. 12th Gen Intel Core (Alder Lake)
  • Intel 4
    • Manufacturing ready H2 2022
    • Meteor Lake/ Custom ASIC networking client
    • First use of EUV
    • 2022: Meteor Lake CPU tile production stepping tape out (H2)
  • Intel 3
    • Manufacturing ready H2 2023
    • Future Xeon data center
    • 2022: lead product test wafers running in fab (H2)
  • Intel 20A
    • Manufacturing ready H12024
    • Future Product client
    • Introduction of RibbonFET & PowerVia
    • 2022: IP test wafers running in fab (H2)
  • Intel 18A
    • Manufacturing ready H2 2024
    • Future Product Future Xeon Foundry Customer
    • Data center client
    • Up to 10% improvement in performance per watt
    • Ribbon innovation for design optimization, line width reduction
    • 2022: foundry customers' test chips (HI); first IP shuttle (H2)

  • Sapphire Rapid EMIB
  • Meteor Lake Foveros

source: Intel.com